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Jonathan Huddleston

Who Is King?

As I was walking around Ligonier during the "Fort Days," I saw a young woman wearing a sash and a crown. The sash proclaimed that she was "Miss Ligonier." The tiara, however, made me wonder who exactly elected her queen of Ligonier--and whether anybody would obey her orders.

It's one thing to say that someone is king or queen, or give them an impressive crown to wear. It's another thing for that person to actually rule over us.

Jesus says that when we follow him, God is starting to rule again. Everything that has been slowly going wrong since the beginning of the world, is finally going to go right.

Jesus says that when we follow him, God is starting to rule again.

Take a moment to think about what it would like like for the world to act as though God is King. Forgiveness in place of bitterness. Love in place of violence. Freedom in place of abuse. Healing for all who have been hurt, and for those who have been hurting themselves.

If you want to explore God's Rule with us, and experiment with what it looks like to live it out, we gather every Sunday at 10 a.m. (This Sunday, October 13, we will also be having breakfast at 9 a.m.) But our Sunday gatherings are just practice; let's use every day to let God rule, and we'll see what difference that makes in our lives.


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