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Jonathan Huddleston

He's Still Here

Sometimes, the moments that count the most aren't deep conversations or life-altering decisions. They're just the moments when we show up for each other; when we let our kids or our parents, our friends or our neighbors, know we are still there, with them, rooting for them, ready to be called on.

God can surprise us with exciting works of the Spirit, miracles and conversions, revivals and special works of the Holy Spirit. But sometimes the moments that count the most are the moments when God reminds us that we don't have to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land or Asbury, we just have to pay attention and remember that He's Still Here.

Surrounded by family, celebrating a new birth, enjoying a day off with people we love--He's Still Here.

Missing our loved ones, grieving losses, dealing with sickness or heartache or just the everyday worries of life--He's Still Here.

We show up every Sunday just to say, to God and to one another, that we haven't forgotten God's presence in our lives. We pray and read our Bibles, we share our faith and serve those in need, not because we got some dramatic call, but just because God is there with us.

In fact, Scripture says that even when we are forgetful, God never forgets us. When we go back to church after a long absence, when we reconnect with prayer after a period of straying, God gently, powerfully lets us know that He's Still Here.

God gently, powerfully lets us know that He's Still Here.



  • Remember to listen to God each day.

  • Remember that our 10 a.m. Sunday worship is not just a time to come and be blessed, but a time to bring someone who needs a blessing.

  • Remember that Wednesday, March 1, at 7 p.m., Ladies Meeting is in the social room with Sharon as hostess.

  • Remember that Sunday, March 12, at 6 p.m., we are having a worldwide Trivia and Dinner--bring an international dish and stay for themed trivia. (Feel free to dress to match your dish.)

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