"The LORD is near to the brokenhearted,
and saves the crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18)
Some of us show it when we aren't feeling well. Our steps lag, our heads droop, our eyes well up.
Others look unfazed. Only those closest to us know that something is off.
Maybe, like me, you've really appreciated the kind person who doesn't just breezily ask, "How you doing?" but touches your shoulder, looks you in the eye, and asks a real question:
"Are you okay?"
Church is for rejoicing, and also for mourning. We bring our real selves to Jesus. We care about each other.
We bring our real selves to Jesus. We care about each other.
Some of us have a specific health concern that we share for the prayer list. Some of us are dealing with issues that are harder to talk about, discouragement or sadness or chronic loneliness. Sometimes, we may even fear that the things that bother us most are things that people might judge us for, so we force a fake smile and go on.
The LORD is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit. Jesus described himself as very gentle with those who are hurting, very aware that some of us are like a bruised plant that will snap off if you brush against its stem too roughly, or a smoldering wick that will puff out if you even breathe on it wrong (Matthew 12:20).
That kind of gentleness doesn't come easily to me--I'm more of the careless, well-intentioned oaf who blunders into others' sore spots without meaning to. But I appreciate the tender heart of God for all who need an extra touch of mercy. I never want to be so full of my own agenda, my own ideas and tasks and schedules, that I miss the beautiful fragility of a human heart.
How are you doing?
God cares. And so do we.
The glorious Easter season is fast approaching. April 2 is Palm Sunday. April 9 we are celebrating Easter, with a community sunrise service at the Ligonier Diamond and a special breakfast and service at the church.
April 5th, the Wednesday evening before Easter, is a our Passover-plus-Last-Supper experience, with a meal from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. We have a flyer, a promotional video, and a sign-up sheet for those who are interested in attending. You can also RSVP here! Please invite someone!
April 14-16, the weekend after Easter, is a Youth Spring Retreat at Camp Christian. Let us know if you know anybody grades 6-12 who is interested in going.