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Jonathan Huddleston

The Way

The New Testament has an interesting name for Christianity. It calls it "the Way." Those who join are simply called "Followers of the Way."

That's a good reminder of what we are doing: walking a path that leads to abundant life, to new creation, to finding the purpose we are made for. Jesus opened this path for us. Jesus promises to be with us every step of the Way.

Meanwhile, the things we do as a church are all about helping one another along the Way. Is someone burdened? We can help carry their load. Is someone limping? We can try to offer comfort and healing. Is someone confused or lost? We can point the right direction.

The things we do as a church ae all about helping one another along the Way.

None of us have arrived. All of us are pressing on, knowing that one day, everything will be clear. And in this journey, even when things are hard, we have the joy of knowing we are really headed somewhere; our walking is not in vain.

Join us this Sunday on that wonderful journey!



  • Sunday worship service at 10 a.m. is a wonderful time to invite a visitor. If anyone wants to get a preview of what they will find here, offer to watch a service together on Youtube, and talk about what we do.

  • Our Church Picnic is June 9, meeting at 4:30, at the Laughlintown Community Center. Sign up to come, and bring a friend or neighbor. Summer is a great time to spend sunny days with food and friends!

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