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The Useful Bible

Jonathan Huddleston

Updated: Jul 30, 2022

How is the Bible useful to you?

Many of you may have heard of 2 Timothy 3:16-17, which starts out by saying that all Scripture is inspired, or God-breathed. Maybe, if you've grown up around church people, you've heard people trying to argue or defend that the Bible is inspired. God breathed it.

In 2 Timothy 3:16-17, however, Paul isn't really arguing that the Bible is inspired. He just takes that for granted. Of course all Scripture is God-breathed; otherwise, it wouldn't be Scripture. So if we stop at those words, it's true enough, but it misses Paul's real point.

What Paul is really saying is, "All Scripture is, by definition, inspired. AND IT"S USEFUL!!"

How is the Bible useful to you?

At Laughlintown Christian Church, we learn from the Bible. Every Sunday we have Scripture readings. Every sermon is Bible based. Every adult Sunday School class, or kids' program, or Wednesday ladies' class, or mid-week study, looks at what the Bible says.

And I'm afraid that a lot of people are missing these valuable opportunities, because they don't know that the Bible is useful.

I'm afraid that a lot of people aren't taking time regularly to read the Bible at home, because they don't know that the Bible is useful.

I'm afraid that a lot of people who do come to church studies, or do read the Bible on their own, do it out of habit and still don't know that the Bible is useful.

How is the Bible useful to you?

How is the Bible useful to you?

It's easy for me to show that the Bible is true--there are books and facts to back it up. It's easy for me to show that the Bible is interesting--in every sermon or class, I have fun exploring what the Bible says.

But there's only one way to show that the Bible is useful. And that's for us to use it.

How are you using the Bible

  • to make your life more joyful and peaceful?

  • to learn to be more patient and good and kind?

  • to receive hope and guidance, reassurance and comfort?

  • to accept some useful correction and guidance?

How do you use what you read, or verses you hear on Sunday, in your work and in your rest, in your decisions and in your struggles, with your family and with your friends and maybe even with your enemies?

How is the Bible useful to you?



  • Tomorrow, July 24, right after church, we are meeting for a Church Life Counsel Meeting to discuss outreach as a congregation. A light lunch is provided.

  • We are collecting school supplies, and beginning to plan activities, for our 20 August Back-to-School Bash! (Led by the Evangelism and Membership Development Team.)

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