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Our Little Church

Jonathan Huddleston

(By Eleanor King; shared with permission)

Our little church may be old, but she still stands there--along Route 30 in our little town of Laughlintown.

She stands with the winds and rains and the hot sun, and sometimes hail or dust from the road, but she still looks good to me.

She has her rough spots here and there. But look at her age. Still she is a place we can come together each week, and a place where you hear the good news: Jesus loves you and so do we.

. . . you can hear the good news: Jesus loves you and so do we.

This little old place is the Laughlintown Christian Church, a place where we welcome the young and the old. The walls are light in color; the light shines bright through stained glass windows. The angel faces on the wall are all aglow, ready to greet us all who enter this house of God.

It may be old, but it is still ready to go each and every week. We would love to have you, one and all. So won't you join us here at the Laughlintown Christian Church.

[Thanks for sharing this, Eleanor! We would love to hear from more members on this page..



  • This Sunday, September 18, we are having a 9 a.m. breakfast during our usual Sunday School hour. Come ready to eat and share friendship together.

  • This Sunday (the 18th) is also our CHURCH PICNIC! Come at 4 p.m. (meal will begin at 4:30). There will be plenty of food, drinks, and fun. Bring a game or a dish, a snack or a dessert, to share.

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Nov 15, 2022

Eleanor, I think you captured so much of what makes me love our little country church, and knowing the heart that you bring and add and nurture in her through your love of the Lord makes this so much more special. Carla Baldwin


Lindsey Matson
Lindsey Matson
Sep 16, 2022

Love this! Thanks for sharing Eleanor! 😁

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