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Jesus is Risen, so we have no fear

Jonathan Huddleston

My neighbor asked me to write about staying positive. With war in Ukraine, inflation like we haven't seen in my lifetime, and people we know facing health challenges, it's a scary time for some of us. Polls show that more and more of us feel afraid, and want something to lift us up.

Well, Jesus promised that in this world we will have trouble (John 16:33). The early followers of Jesus, when they saw their Lord crucified, knew what it was to be scared and discouraged.

But then Jesus said, "Take heart! I have overcome the world!"

Paul told us that by his death and resurrection, Jesus won a decisive victory over the final enemy, death (1 Corinthians 15:26). Hebrews tells us that Jesus' death and resurrection set us free from the power of the devil, because the devil depends on our fear of dying (2:14-15).

But those who know that Jesus died and rose for us, know that when we die, we will rise with Christ. We never need to fear death again. In fact, Jesus' resurrection is a victory over everything we could ever fear.

Jesus' resurrection is a victory over everything we could ever fear.

The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the measure of God's power to set things right, to save us from any trouble we are facing, to bring a happy ending out of our lives. The same mighty power that raised Jesus from the dead, is the same mighty power at work in us (Ephesians 1:19-20). No wonder the Bible says that "greater is he who is in us, than he who is in the world" (1 John 24:4).

We know that in his love, in the power of Jesus' risen life, God takes care of us. God's perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). Jesus is risen, so we have no fear.

If you are reading the blogpost, whether or not you are a part of the Laughlintown Christian Church family, I invite you to comment on a time God helped you with your fear.


  • We will join several churches for an Easter Sunrise Service, April 17, 6:30 a.m. at the Ligonier Diamond.

  • Our Easter worship service is April 17, 10 a.m.; at 9 a.m. we will have donuts and fellowship.

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